Tuesday 18 November 2014


It amazes me that despite the breakthough of information and knowledge in this computer generation, I still have Christians (even some highly placed ones) screaming at me that I should stop debating with Muslims. They say it is not scriptural and they condemning the practice in it's totality. When I ask such Christians for a scripture that condemns Christian-Muslim debate, they pull out one of my favourite scriptures that teaches an Apologist how to debate.

"But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient," ( 2 Tim 2: 23-24).

Let's do a study very interesting scripture.......

The book of 2nd Timothy contains very profound words coming from a great debating evangelist who was close to his death and knew he was soon going to die. Acts 17:2 reveals that debate evangelism was the manner and style Apostle Paul used in preaching the gospel. In fact it is recorded in Acts 19:9-10 that he had a landmark debate with a certain great philosopher called Tyranus. The debate was held on a daily basis for good two years. Can you imagine that? In fact Apostle Paul never stopped debating until he was arrested and throw into prison, from where he started writing letters.

Timothy had worked closely under Paul as his son in ministry and we all know how a dying man will pour out his heart to his son for encouragement in the continuation of the good work. How then can you interpret 2 Tim 2: 23-24 as a war against debate evangelism?? I wonder how some Christians read their Bible. I think it is share laziness, to just pick a verse or two of scripture and try to use it to satisfy your emotions, instead of breaking it down to properly understand the message from the context of that verse.

Come with me, as we dig in to 2 Tim 2: 23-24............

Verse 23: "But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes".

You see, during debates there is always the temptation to loose your cool and react emotionally. But a good Apologist must resist such temptation. The Muslims will do everything to push you down with this temptation but you must not fall. They will ask foolish and ulearned questions but you must avoid asking foolish questions. A good example of "foolish and unlearned questions" is when you are discussing a certain topic and seeing your strong point on the topic, the Muslim starts asking questions from 27 other topics are if it's an online textual debate like the one we do on facebook, he adopts "copy and paste" from one boring Islamic websites. You will be tempted to forget about the topic at hand and start asking questions from his myriads of baseless "copy and paste" argument. Ethics of Apologetics demands that you call him back to the topic of discussion instead of allow him to run away from the issue and module up the discussion. Kangarooing from one topic to the other will cause confusion and forgetting of the main subject matter, which would get you frustrated and can lead to strife. I have seen many debating Christians fall for this trap right on my facebook wall. When the man tries to run away from the topic, bring him back. Don't go asking stupid questions from his senseless, out-of-point "copy and paste" topics which do not truly demand for answers but only seek to run away from the topic of discussion.

 Verse 24: "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men (including Muslims), apt to teach, patient,"

A Christian Apologist is a servant of the Lord. He is exposing the lies of the devil and calling men to the salvation of Jesus Christ. You should be gentle with the Muslims. (Please don't mistake this with being gentle on Allah.) you should not call the Muslim friend, "stupid", "fool", "idiot", etc even if the Muslim throws such insulting and abusive words at you and even though he asks meaningless questions. If the Holy Spirit speaking through Pauls letter to Timothy says you should be both gentle and patient, you can be certain that your gentleness and patience will have to be tried, and there's no better person to give you this trial than your Muslim friend. Remember there is no level of insult that Jesus did not receive, yet he remained cool. You must understand that God loves your Muslim friend and it is the will of God for him to be saved. A good Christian Apologist should be "apt to teach". This means you should be given to teach or inclined to teach or be ready to expose the truth. This means when you tell the Muslim that Allah is evil, you should be ready to present very clear evidence to prove your point with love. You are not to condemn your Muslim friend but to call him out of error and point him to Jesus the saviour of his soul.

So you see my friends, the very verse some church people quote to discourage up from reaching out to the Muslims through debate, is the very verse that teaches us how to debate. When next you sit in church, tell the person sitting next to you, ... "give me chance!"

Friday 16 November 2012